Harambe Trap Bar

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729,00 CAD

Harambe Trap Bar

Crafted with precision in Quebec, Canada, the Gorila Harambe Hex Bar is a testament to superior craftsmanship. Its hexagonal frame is expertly shaped and welded from robust 1.9” steel tubing, ensuring durability and stability. The bar features two sets of parallel handles, each with a comfortable 1.5” diameter, optimally spaced at 28” apart at the center for ergonomic lifting.

The innovative design of this hex bar allows athletes to seamlessly switch between handle sets mid-workout, simply by flipping the bar. This versatility is particularly beneficial for beginners and those undergoing rehabilitation, enabling them to focus on their range of motion and gradually build up their deadlift routine, all while minimizing lower back strain.

Committed to the Environment:

In our dedication to sustainability, we proudly source 99% of our raw materials locally, all within an hour's drive of our facility. Moreover, our production for this and similar products is powered by 99% renewable energy, significantly reducing our ecological footprint.

Important Note for Buyers:

Please ensure to verify collar compatibility before purchasing this specialized hex bar. Standard collars may not fit this unique design. Also, exercise care when adding or removing weight plates to maintain the integrity of the bar's powder-coated finish and prevent scratches.

With the Gorila Harambe Hex Bar, you're not just investing in a top-tier strength training tool; you're supporting sustainable manufacturing practices and contributing to a healthier planet.

The Scientific Advantages of using a Hex Bar for Strength Training:

Click here to view benefits
  1. Reduced Spinal Stress and Safer Learning Curve: The trap bar deadlift places significantly less stress on the lumbar spine than the conventional deadlift. This is primarily because the weight is more aligned with the body's center of gravity, reducing the lever arm effect and subsequent spinal load. This alignment makes the trap bar deadlift particularly beneficial for beginners and those with pre-existing back issues. It's also easier to learn, offering a more intuitive load orientation and less technical complexity, making it ideal for those new to lifting or with limited mobility.

  2. Enhanced Power Output: Studies have shown that the trap bar deadlift allows for greater peak force, velocity, and power compared to the straight bar version. This is due to the trap bar's design, which permits a more effective transmission of force. These characteristics make the trap bar deadlift on par with Olympic lifts like the power clean in terms of power development, offering significant benefits for athletes looking to improve their explosive strength.

  3. Muscle Activation Patterns: While both trap bar and conventional deadlifts effectively engage major muscle groups, there are differences in activation patterns. The trap bar deadlift activates the quadriceps more than the conventional deadlift, which tends to be more hamstring-dominant. However, the trap bar still sufficiently activates the hamstrings and the lower back, making it a comprehensive tool for developing overall back strength and hypertrophy.

  4. Increased Lifting Capacity: Generally, individuals can lift more weight using a trap bar due to its favorable grip positioning and leverage. This ability to handle greater loads can translate into greater strength gains and athletic performance, particularly in sports that don't require specific barbell lifts.

  5. Versatility and Adaptability: The trap bar deadlift offers versatility in training, allowing for different styles of lifting. Athletes can choose to make the lift more hip or quad-dominant based on their specific training needs or physical limitations. This adaptability makes the trap bar a valuable tool for a wide range of training objectives and athlete types.

  6. Lower Risk of Injury and Overtraining: The trap bar deadlift's design reduces the likelihood of spinal flexion under fatigue, making it a safer choice for high-volume training. It's particularly beneficial in off-season training or for individuals who need to flex their spine to reach the bar in a conventional deadlift.

  7. Applicability to Various Training Goals: Depending on the training goal, the trap bar deadlift can be a better choice. For those concerned with lower back health, it's a safer option. However, for maximum hamstring and back extensor recruitment, the conventional deadlift might be more appropriate. This flexibility allows the trap bar deadlift to be integrated into various training programs effectively.


  • Made in Canada
  • Manufactured with 99% Renewable Energy
  • 99% of Raw Materials Sourced Within a 1-Hour Drive
  • 2x16" Loadable Space
  • 81.85'' x 30'' x 9.85'' Size
  • 1.5'' Handle Dia.
  • Handles Width: 28'' on Center
  • Handles Height: 8" on Center
  • 1.5"/1.9" Construction
  • Matte Black Finish
  • 40lbs - Empty Weight
  • #TestedForAnimals
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